05. Tasks: Improve Documentation

SECTION II: Improve Documentation

Task Description:

In this section, you will be improving the documentation associated with your project.

For this part, you will want to be a little familiar with markdown. For the most part, you can use regular text within a markdown file, but there are some easy ways to make the file more aesthetically appealing (bold, italic, headers, lists). There are resources at the bottom of this page if you need some assistance.

Follow the tasks here to update your project documentation.

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Great! Now you are off to a great start with setting up your documentation.

SECTION III: Additional Changes to Documentation

Task Description:

In a real world situation, you or other members of your team would likely be making other changes to documentation on the documentation branch. To simulate this follow the tasks below.

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Nice, you are done with the changes related to documentation!

If you are not familiar with Markdown, there are several online resources available to work in Markdown files. On Atom, you can use ctrl + shift + m to preview your markdown as you work on it. Here are some useful websites to quickly get up to speed for how to use Markdown.

There is no one way to write a README file, however there are some general conventions for what it should include.

  1. General description of the project or content of the repository.
  2. List of what software, firmware and hardware you may require.
  3. Installation instructions for the software and firmware.
  4. List of files included in the project.
  5. Copyright and licensing information.
  6. Acknowledgements and credits for any resources or blogs that helped you create the project.
  7. Known bugs
  8. Log of updates and revisions.

You can see some useful documentation on README files on this GitHub resource located here.